
septic media homepage, version 0.1

Hey hey! webspace developments, there is content and goodies available here, at least for now... its not the real homepage, which is still in development... its the interface i had set up on my computer for our gradshow, as a result, it wasn't designed to run online, and is a bit image-heavy, so if you are on dial-up it might take a while for the pages to load... also, i need to re-compress the videos in order to make them viewable online, so those links are broken, except for the 'true love' movie, which is done in flash. so, enjoy!



s.o.d. for the c.i.t.r.

Update time! Past time, really. Been mad busy, finished school on the all to appropriate date of Friday August 13th... frazzling times indeed. So, these two images are the front/inside fold and the back of the cover for the cd which Speaking of Devils submitted to c.i.t.r. radio for ye olde Shindig battle of the bands... hopefully it charms the pants off of everyone who comes into contact with it. Additionally, movements are afoot for a proper website for Septic Media, so I won't have funny blogger logo's all over the place.